Location and contact

A. TMC Location in NBRP

Taiwan Mouse Clinic-
7F&8F, Building A, National Biotechnology Research Park (NBRP)
Administrative Office-A788,7F, Building A, NBRP
Data processing center- A789,7F, Building A, NBRP
Animal Image Facility-
B1,Building B, National Biotechnology Research Park



How to get to Taiwan Mouse Clinic

Please walk through the hallway from Building C in NBRP to the lobby closed to the back entrance. Turn right to pass through the front desk of guardians in Building B. Then take an elevator in Building B to the 7th floor. Turn left to get to the room A788 or A789.


B. Contact Us

  For any questions or more information, please contact us.
  Phone number
  (LIMS):+886-2-7750-5509, +886-2-7750-5506~5507
  (Neuroscience, Cardiovascular/IVIS/Ultrasound, Immune disease):+ 886-2-7750-5515
  (Micro CT):+886-2-7750-5802
  (Mouse Hotel):+886-2-7750-5517
Taiwan Mouse Clinic
Rm A788~A789, Building A, No. 99, Ln. 130, Sec. 1, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan
  E-Mail :service@tmc.sinica.edu.tw