Metabolic Rate

Metabolic rate (MR) represents the energy expenditure while an animal at rest/ or exercise in a defined environment. There are different methods for measurement of metabolic rate. Here we use an indirect calorimetry to measure the metabolic rate of mice. The instruments allow us to determine the concentration of O2, CO2, flow, and environment temperature (cage). The Weir equation (1949) is used to determine the metabolic rate from indirect calorimetry. Results for VO2, VCO2 and H come from by taking weight 100% into account:
VO2= FlowML × (V1 + V2)/(N2Ref x Animal Weight × 100.0)
VCO2= FlowML × dCO2/(Animal Weight × 100.0)
RER = VCO2 / VO2
H (kcal/h/kg) = (CVO2 × VO2 + CVCO2 × VCO2)/1000. CVO2 and CVCO2 are coefficients (constants) for estimation of heat production from consumed O2 and produced CO2, respectively. Constants of the equation include: CVO2=3.941 and CVCO2=1.106.
Note: VO2 (ml/h/kg) = O2 consumption; VCO2 (ml/h/kg) = CO2 production; FlowML (ml/h) = Flow × 1000.0 × 60; V1 = N2Ref × dO2; V2 = O2Ref × (dO2 – dCO2);
Ref, reference chamber; dO2 = O2Ref – O2; dCO2 = CO2 – CO2Ref; RER (respiratory exchange rate) = VCO2 / VO2 ; H, heat.

PhenoMaster Next Generation (NG) 6528 is the latest and most robust and versatile metabolic screening platform on the market.
The Large-capacity 18 cages can measure the animal’s oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production to calculate key metabolic parameters, including the respiratory exchange rate (RER/RQ) and energy expenditure (EE/Heat).
Food and drink intake can be automatically monitored in any home cage for hours and days without disturbances by the experimenter or neglect of animal welfare.
Wheel running is widely used to assess voluntary physical activity in rodents. It is ideally suited to study circadian activity. Running wheels might also serve as environmental enrichment to improve animal welfare during long-term experiments.
Metabolism is combined with Activity Frame to detect the amount of animal activity, and analyze its vitality according to the location of the activity. It is suitable for short-term and long-term experimental observation and is applied to the detection and development of health care products and drugs.


For this experiment, it requires to be single housing for all genders of mice in TMC before doing the experiment. Please write down the single housing number on the check in form. After the experiment is done, the mice will be kept in single housing and the animal hotel fee will be charged as single housing.

Data Provided (TSE, Food and Water Monitoring and Activity Frame)

Fee for Metabolic Rate