Taiwan Mouse Clinic is going to host a workshop, Photoacoustic & High-resolution Ultrasound Advanced Application, from 10:00am to 11:20am in C212 International Conference Hall at National Biotechnology Research Park (NBRP) on September 26, 2023. Please see the poster for more information. For anyone interested in this workshop, please register online by noon on September 25, 2023. For registration.(2023,09.13)
Metabolic rate measurement service using the CLAMS system will be terminated after September 30th, 2023, due to its poor conditioning. The service will be served using the new system, TSE, from October 1st, 2023. For TSE related services, please contact Miss Amy Chao by dialing +886-2-77505500 ext. 1757.(2023,08.30)
Two service items related to TSE, A12-A- TSE -Food and Water Monitoring(24hrs) and A12-A- TSE -Activity Frame (24hrs), is provided from today. They should be combined with A12-A-2.2.4 TSE (24hrs) to request. Please see the fee. (2023,08.30)
A12-A-2.2.1 Metabolic rate (24hrs) and A12-A-2.2.3 Metabolic rate + temperature control (24hrs) will be cancelled on August 1st, 2023. A new service, TSE (24hrs), is going to be provided instead. Please see the fee.(2023,07.28)
Starting from May 15th, 2023, mice will be allowed free access to reverse osmosis water with UV sterilization.
TMC is going to provide two new service items, “Resistance and Compliance System” and “Nose-Only-Inhalation Tower “, and adjust prices of service items including Von Frey, Mouse Hotel, Rat Hotel, Micro CT Scan, Optical Image: Fluorescence/ Luminescence on October 1st, 2022. Please see the price.(2022,08.25)
We are pleased to invite you to attend "2022 Mouse Molecular Genetics (MMG) Symposium - What's wrong with my mice?" symposium, which is held by Taiwan Animal Consortium (TAC), Taiwan Mouse Clinic (TMC), National Laboratory Animal Center (NLAC), and Transgenic Mouse Model Core (TMMC) in National Biotechnology Research Park, C201, the International Conference Hall on September 30th, 2022. Please see the poster for more information. For Registration. The deadline for registration will be on 2022/9/23.(2022,08.25)
TMC provides tail suspension test on March. 25th, 2021. If you are interested in this service item, please contact TMC.(2021,03.23)
A symposium entitled Mouse Molecular Genetics (MMG) Symposium 2021 “What’s wrong with my mice? - From Genotypes to Phenotypes” is going to be held at 9:00am in C201 International Conference Hall at National Biotechnology Research Park (NBRP) on September 27. Please see the poster for the information of the symposium. For anyone interested in this symposium, please register online by 4pm on September 22, 2021. For registration.(2021,08.26)
TMC provides tail suspension test on March. 25th, 2021. If you are interested in this service item, please contact TMC.(2021,03.23)