
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic is hosting a workshop entitled “Taiwan Mouse Clinic New Instruments-Service Illustration Workshop “ in C212 room, National Biotechnology Research Park, on January 10, 2020. All topics will be presented in Chinese. We sincerely invite you to join this event. Please see the poster for more information. For registration.(2019.12.02)
  • TMC is going to provide two new service items including Elevated Plus Maze and Morris Water Maze on Nov. 1st, 2019. Please see the charges. If you are interested in these two new services, please contact TMC by dialing +886+2+77505515.(2019.10.31)

  • TMC is going to host a symposium entitled Mouse Molecular Genetics (MMG) Symposium 2019 “What’s wrong with my mice? - From Genotypes to Phenotypes” at 9:00am in C201 International Conference Hall at National Biotechnology Research Park (NBRP) on August 23. For anyone interested in this symposium, please register online by 4pm on August 21, 2019. Please see the poster for the information of the symposium. For registration.
    Map for going to the NBRP
  • TMC is going to adjust the charges for most of service items for industry and that of blood chemistry, lung function and uCT services for academy on July 11, 2019. Please see the new charges. If you are interested in any services, please contact TMC.(2019.07.11)

  • TMC is going to provide 2 new service items, Technical Support-Phenotyping and Technical Support-Mouse Hotel, on December 1, 2018.Technical Support-Phenotyping is for drug preparation, isoflurane usage, special data processing, and formal statistical report. Technical Support-Mouse Hotel is for animal labelling, mouse/ sample weighting, special diet/water handling, cage exchange, stool collection, mice sacrifice, lab entrance, and cage transfer and bench usage not for routine service. We also price down the industrial fees of 7 service items, including Metabolic Rate (TSE & CLAMS), Food and Water Intake,Von Frey, Asthma Sensitization, Lung Function, and CSF extraction, in order to service more industrial users.(2018.12.01)
  • TMC is going to provide 5 new service items including Na, K, Cl, Y maze, CSF extraction, High-Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging on June 1, 2018. Please check the charge tables of Pathology, Neuroscience, and Molecular imaging for the prices..(2018.06.01)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic is hosting a mini-symposium entitled “High-Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging Advanced Technology for Preclinical Research “ from 1:30 pm to 5:10pm in B1B lecture room, IBMS, Academia Sinica, on April 12, 2018. The speakers include Dr. Stuart Foster from University of Toronto, Dr. Chen-Sheng Yeh from National Cheng Kung University, Dr. Ja-An Annie Ho from National Taiwan University, and Dr. Jithin Jose from FUJI FILM VisualSonicsInc. We sincerely invite you to join this mini-symposium. Please see the poster for more information. For Registration..(2018.03.30)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic will host a workshop entitled "Small Animal In-Vivo Imaging - Microultrasound & Photoacoustic Imaging " in B1A seminar room at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Academia Sinica at 11:00am on March 7, 2018. The speaker is Dr. Shripad Bangale from Singapore. TMC sincerely invites you to join this event. Please check the poster for all information.(2018.03.06)
  • TMC is going to adjust the fees of cardiovascular services and provide service packages including "Cardiac Phenotyping Package" and " Cardiac Function (Echocardiography)" for acute safety pharmacology on Dec. 11, 2017. Please check for the charges..(2017.12.04)