
  • Dr. Margaret Ann Miller from US Food and Drug Administration is going to provide a seminar at 4:00pm on May 2, 2014. The topic of this lecture is " The Role of Medical Product Regulation in Advancing Public Health". TMC sincerely invites you to join this event. Please check the poster for the detail.(2014.04.11)
  • Because the space of the server for data storage is limited, the video data of HomeCageScan will be storaged in TMC for 2 years only from February 26, 2014.(2014.02.26)
  • TMC will provide new service items including IV, SC, IP, IM Injection, Gavage, MicroPET imaging of amyloid, and MicroPET imaging of D2 receptor on January 24, 2014. MicroPET imaging of amyloid, and MicroPET imaging of D2 receptor will be performed in Taipei Veterans General Hospital. Please contact Miss Hung by dialing +886-2-28757301ext. 355 to get more information regarding MicroPET services. Please check the charge tables of drug treatment and molecular imaging for the prices.(2014.01.23)
  • TMC has no longer provided service items including AM1-3.36.4 Storage in server (for 6 months), AM1-4.2 Body fat and AM1-4.5 Body lean since January 24, 2014.(2014.01.23)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic and Transgenic Mouse Models Core (TMMC) will host a joint symposium in the Activity Center at National Yang-Ming University at 10:00am on November 26, 2013. TMC sincerely invites you to join this event. Please check the poster for all information. For registration.(2013.11.11)
  • 2013 Conference of the Federation of Asian Societies for Molecular Imaging will be held in Chi-The Convention Center, Taipei Veterans General Hospital from October 25 to 27, 2013. We sincerely welcome your participation. (2013.10.15)
  • TMC will provide a new service, asthma disease model (by inhalation), and 4 new service items including grip strength and 3 MRI services containing in vivo Biospec 4.7T 40-cm bore horizontal MRI system, in vivo Pharmascan 7T 16-cm bore horizontal MRI system, and Avance 9.4T WB 8.9-cm bore vertical system on July 8 and 10, 2013, respectively. MRI services will be performed in B1 and B2 basements at IBMS, Academic Sinica and tested mice will be kept in the animal center of IBMS. Please contact Mr. Lin and Miss Yang by dialing +886-2-27899027 in order to check in your mice. Please check the charge tables of Immune Disease, Neuroscience, and Molecular imaging for the prices.(2013.07.09)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic will host a workshop entitled "Translational molecular imaging - current status and perspectives" in B1B meeting room at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Academia Sinica at 1:30pm on May 7, 2013. It's our honored to invite Dr. Ren-Shyan Liu, Dr. Luen Hwu, Dr. Skye Hsin-Hsien Yeh, and Mr. David Tat-Wei Tan from Taipei Veterans General Hospital to be the speakers. TMC sincerely invites you to join this event. Please check the poster for all information. For registration. (2013.04.23)
  • A newly purchased blood chemistry analyzer, Fuji Dri-Chem 4000i, will be used to perform blood chemistry tests from April 11, 2013.(2013.04.11)
  • From April 1, 2013, TMC will e-mail a monthly bill to users to examine the total charge and the account balance in the previous month on the 1st day of every month.(2013.03.26)