
  • TMC is going to provide 5 new service items including Na, K, Cl, Y maze, CSF extraction, High-Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging on June 1, 2018. Please check the charge tables of Pathology, Neuroscience, and Molecular imaging for the prices..(2018.06.01)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic is hosting a mini-symposium entitled “High-Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging Advanced Technology for Preclinical Research “ from 1:30 pm to 5:10pm in B1B lecture room, IBMS, Academia Sinica, on April 12, 2018. The speakers include Dr. Stuart Foster from University of Toronto, Dr. Chen-Sheng Yeh from National Cheng Kung University, Dr. Ja-An Annie Ho from National Taiwan University, and Dr. Jithin Jose from FUJI FILM VisualSonicsInc. We sincerely invite you to join this mini-symposium. Please see the poster for more information. For Registration..(2018.03.30)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic will host a workshop entitled "Small Animal In-Vivo Imaging - Microultrasound & Photoacoustic Imaging " in B1A seminar room at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Academia Sinica at 11:00am on March 7, 2018. The speaker is Dr. Shripad Bangale from Singapore. TMC sincerely invites you to join this event. Please check the poster for all information.(2018.03.06)
  • TMC is going to adjust the fees of cardiovascular services and provide service packages including "Cardiac Phenotyping Package" and " Cardiac Function (Echocardiography)" for acute safety pharmacology on Dec. 11, 2017. Please check for the charges..(2017.12.04)
  • If it's required to feed your mice special food or special water, please deliver disinfected food or special water in a isolated pack to TMC. The food and water in original cages are not allowed to get into TMC mouse hotel.(2017.09.26)
  • For environmental protection and user’s convenience, TMC will no longer inform users through deduction forms to deduct their animal hotel points for some special cases. We will deduct the points straightly based on monthly usage.(2017.09.26)
  • In order to reflect real service cost, most of TMC service charges are going to be adjusted on September 1, 2017.If you are processing a point purchase now, please finish your payment, send payment form/contract to TMC, and complete experiment request on LIMS by 12pm (noon) on August 31. For any experiments performing after September 1, please purchase points after 12pm (noon) on September 1.(2017.08.30)
  • To avoid delaying other users' cases, TMC no longer provides section service for feathers based on the resolution in user committee meeting on February 24, 2017.(2017.03.07)
  • The TMC program director, Dr. Chih-Cheng Chen, was invited to issue a press release related to "Evidence for the involvement of ASIC3 in sensory mechanotransduction in proprioceptors", which was just published on Nature Communications, in N136 meeting room at IBMS in Academic Sinica at 9:30am on May 31, 2016.(2016.06.14)
  • TMC will provide "H&E Staining for Acid-Decalcified Samples" and " Mice for Drug Evaluation" on February 1 and March 1, 2016, respectively. Please see the charge of H&E Staining for Acid-Decalcified Samples. The service, Mice for Drug Evaluation, is only for the mice tested for drug evaluation and will be sacrificed after the tests in TMC. In addition, it's only for the labs without IACUC.(2016.01.29)