
  • 2015 Taiwan International Symposium of Molecular Imaging and TSMI Annual Meeting will be held at National Yang-Ming University on Nov. 06, 2015. The goal of this congress is to create opportunities for cross talks between researchers in the field of molecular probe, imaging modalities, and biomedical and clinical molecular imaging. Please see the poster for more information. For registration.(2015.11.03)
  • Since the old CBC machine is malfunctioned, TMC is going to provide an alternative service, AM1-3.32.2 Complete Blood Count-IDEXX, on August 25, 2015. We will offer two new service items, Echocardiography and Collagen Stain, for drug development on September 1, 2015. In addition, the fee of micro CT, MRI, and mouse hotel will be adjusted based on TMC real cost on September 1, 2015 as well. Please check the charges on website.(2015.08.25)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic will host a seminar entitled “ Nano & Micro CT service” in B1B meeting room at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Academia Sinica at 2:00pm on April 10, 2015. We will introduce the applications of Nano and Micro CT including ex vivo, soft tissue (such as lung and vessels morphology), hard tissue (such as orthopaedic or dental samples), implant, and medical device. We sincerely invite you to join this seminar. Please check the poster for detailed information..(2015.04.01)
  • Starting from April 1, 2015, the images of micro CT and behavior tests will be kept in TMC for 3 months and 1 year, respectively.(2015.02.17)
  • TMC will provide a new service, surface and core body temperature monitoring, on March 1, 2015. In addition, the fees of drug treatment, body temperature monitoring, and tumor related services will be adjusted as well. Please check the charge tables of Immune Disease, Drug Treatment, and Tumor Related Service for the fees.(2015.02.17

  • The charge will be tripled for TMC to conduct experiments on holidays or weekends after March 1, 2015, which was based on the agreement of committee members in TMC user committee meeting and AM steering committee meeting held on February 10 and 12, 2015, respectively.(2015.02.17)
  • The Acute Safety Pharmacology Packages, including homecage, modified SHIRPA, lung function, body temperature monitoring and telemetry ECG, will be provided in TMC LIMS on January 1, 2015. Please purchase credits and apply experiments through the link of Acute Safety Pharmacology straightly. In addition, the fee of mouse hotel will be adjusted based on TMC real cost on January 1, 2015 as well. The charge will be NTD 63 per cage within 7days, and NTD 9 per cage per day from the 8th day till the date to check out.(2014.12.25)
  • Two new service items, cell line inoculation and solid tumor size measurement, will be provided on November 1, 2014. Please check the Charge of Tumor Related Service for the price. In addition, the charges of section and blood collection will be adjusted to be NTD 70/140 (academy/ industry) and NTD 45/90 (academy/ industry), respectively.(2014.10.24)
  • A new service item, tail SC injection, will be provided on September 1, 2014. Please check the Charge of Drug Treatment for the price. The service item, data storage for slide imaging, will be canceled and its price will be included into 4 slide scanning services. Please check the Charges of Pathology for the adjusted prices.(2014.08.27)
  • Taiwan Mouse Clinic will host a symposium at Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science at 11:20 ~12:10 am on June 5, 2014. TMC sincerely invites your participation. The topic will be presented in Chinese. Please check the poster for all information.(2014.05.28)